CARIL FISH Actor & Author
Huge thank you to Anna for contributing her thoughts to this article on what makes a brilliant bedtime story for #WorldBookDay. Loads of fascinating insights into helping little ones have the best night's sleep.
You can read her advice and tips here:
British Airways (BA) will Continue to offer our sleep CDs on selected long haul flights as part of in-flight entertainment from March 2017 - 2018
Sleep CD company is really taking off
To read article click link below
First day of spring and the first day Natural Harmony Productions CDs are on board British Airways in-flight entertainment. Sweet dreams to all passengers on British Airways long haul flights :-)
Click link below:
British Airways (BA) will be offering our sleep CDs on selected long haul flights as part of in-flight entertainment from March 2013.
'Long haul flight CDs and downloads'
Natural Harmony Productions lanched their brand new 'Long haul flight' CDs and downloads at Toucan Travel Holiday Show. This was a great success for Natural Harmony Productions and Toucan Travel.
Prima Baby & Pregnancy magazine
Bonding with Baby CD is featured in Prima Baby & Pregnancy magazine Featured artical The Greatest Love of All. page 69
LISTEN UP! A new CD, Bonding with Baby, gives expert advice and calming exercises to help parents strengthen their relationship with their babies and Enjoy some special moments £14.99.
BBC Radio Berkshire
95.4FM / 104.1FM / DAB
Anna Rowe and Val Clews another lively interview with James Cannon on the Bill Buckley show.
Click below to listen, start time 109.99

BBC Radio Berkshire
95.4FM / 104.1FM / DAB
Wednesday 4th May
Anna Rowe and Val Clews another live interview with the lovely Bill Buckley. Click below to listen, start time 1.02.37/2.54.51.
BBC Radio Berkshire
95.4FM / 104.1FM / DAB
Wednesday 23rd March
Anna Rowe and Val Clewslive interview with Radio and Television Presenter and Journalist Bill Buckley, talking about their sleep and Relaxation CD's on his afternoon show.
Sure Start Children's Centres
Hampshire Sure Start Children Centre now stock 'sleep' for babies 'Sleep' for children and Bonding with Baby CD's as part of their resource library for children and families.
Click: Sleep CD for babies Click: Sleep CD for children
Waterstones events day and launch of all Cd's. This was a very successful day for Waterstones and The Shhhhh Company (Natural Harmony Productions). All CD's are currently stocked in the Andover Waterstone's Book Shop. Waterstones plan to roll all products out to the South East in the next few weeks
Click: Sleep CD Click: Sleep CD for babies Click: Sleep CD for children
Click: Relaxation CD Click: Bonding with Baby CD
Toucan Travel love the CD's produced by The Shhhhh Company (Natural Haromy Productions) and was happy to sponsor the promotion at Waterstones by providing balloons for the event.
All of The Shhhhh Company's CD's are registered with Nielsen BookNet supplying the UK and internationally. Services for publishers, distributors, booksellers and libraries.
Click: Sleep CD Click: Sleep CD for babies Click: Sleep CD for children
Click: Relaxation CD Click: Bonding with Baby CD
'Sleep' CD is in Families South East magazine What's New pages for March / April 2011. The coverage is on page 18, which you can see by clicking the weblink then click again under the front cover image for page 18
'Sleep' CD also in Families Surrey West Magazine What's New pages for March / April 2011. Coverage is on page 13 which you can see by clicking the weblink then click again under the front cover image for page 13
Click: Sleep CD/download for babies Click Sleep CD/download for children
the breeze (Formally Andover Sounds Radio)
andover 106.4
Sleep Products Launched After sending plenty of babies to sleep, an Andover company are trying to help their parents get some shut eye too. The Shhhhh Company was launched last year by local women Anna Rowe and Val Clews. They've produced CDs with advice on how to sleep and bond with children and their latest products are aimed at relaxing adults. Val said: "We were voted as one of the five best buys for children's sleep, and we're in lots of other national magazines at the moment, like Bliss, I'm Pregnant Magazine, and companies like Waterstones are looking at stocking us now, so it's been great."
Click: Sleep CD Click: Sleep CD for babies Click: Sleep CD for children
BFBS Beakfast Radio
Val Clews talks to Lynne Duffus on BFBS Breakfast Radio about The sleep series CD's for Babies, Children and adults. To listen to the interview click the link below, Scroll down to Thursday part 2: Interview starts at 17.14 to 24.24 Enjoy
Click: Sleep CD/download Click: Sleep CD/dowload for babies
Click: Sleep CD/download for children
I'm Pregnant Magazine
'Bonding With Baby' CD is featured in 'I'm Pregnant Magazine' Feb / March / April 2011 Edition: Keep up-to-date with all the latest medical information: Health Watch: Page 122.
'Practical Parenting & Pregnancy Magazine' Feb 2011 edition has included Sleep Sleep Sleep Now... Child CD as one of the top 5 best bedtime buys.
Click: Sleep CD/download for children
for babies born too soon, too small too sick.
‘Little Bliss Magazine and e-newsletter featured an article on the ‘Bonding with Baby’ CD and offered the CD as a competition prize for their readers.
Click: Bonding with Baby CD/download
the breeze (Formaly Andover Sounds Radio)
andover 106.4
Two Andover women are hoping they can make the most of public sector cuts and provide a vital service to new mums.
Anna Rowe and Val Clews have set up the Shhhhh Company which gives parents expert advice on how to cope with a baby - from tips on sleeping to how to bond with the child.
They've created a range of CDs and downloads which are already getting some high profile attention with cricket superstar Kevin Pietersen calling them "amazing for parents with new babies."
Val says with some health services possibly being cut it could offer easy access to help: "We know that there's going to be huge public sector cuts. We know that it's going to influence the services that health providers are going to be able to provide. We wanted to put something out there that people can take into their own homes.
Anna said: "It's for mums, dads and siblings. This is a way that all the family can bond with this new arrival - their new baby.
"The CD is a perfect blend of information, providing information on how we bond and how sometimes we don't bond.
September 2010
The popularity of The Shhhhh Companys CDs began with a tweet in September 2010 from world famous cricketer Kevin Peterson following the birth of his baby saying “Check out ‘The Shhhhh Company’ the CDs are amazing for parents with new babies.”
Click: Sleep CD/download for babies